by Katarzyna J. Cwiertka | Dec 3, 2016 | Other projects
Product packaging forms a fascinating part of Japan’s consumer culture. Whereas modern-day technologies and marketing strategies often determine their form, the design is frequently inspired by decorative motifs such as those found on art objects from the past....
by Katarzyna J. Cwiertka | Dec 3, 2016 | Other projects
Explore the everyday reality of a hyper-aged society, a valuable lesson for the Netherlands and the rest of the world, who will face a similar reality sooner or later. Knowing more about the Japanese approaches can serve as a source of inspiration for finding ways to...
by Katarzyna J. Cwiertka | Dec 3, 2016 | Other projects
Worldwide Waste is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal presenting innovative research on waste from around the world. It critically interrogates the cultural, social, economic and political systems within which waste is created, managed, and circulated. The...
by Katarzyna J. Cwiertka | Jun 5, 2016 | News
Bron: DOOR MARLEEN VAN WESEL Twee Leidse japanologen stelden een tentoonstelling samen over verpakkingen. De nieuwste trend: cadeautjes geven zonder reden. ‘Eigenlijk is het allemaal afval.’ Katarzyna...
by Katarzyna J. Cwiertka | Apr 23, 2016 | Media
Cwiertka is een van de hoogleraren geïnterviewd door tv-etnoloog Michael Schaap, die een jaar lang de hoogleraren van Universiteit Leiden volgde (9:25-11:48). De Hokjesman begeeft zich onder professoren. Hoe verhoudt de tempel van de wetenschap zich tot de...